Finals Week

Final exams are scheduled from Saturday, December 9, through Friday, December 15. Students can access their final exam schedule via

It’s important that your student is aware of the options available to help them prepare for final exams. The Julia N. Visor Academic Center will offer Finals Blitz tutoring again this year! Finals Blitz sessions continue up until Finals Week and are open to any ISU student. No sign-up is required to attend a session.

Additional information, including a final exam schedule, can be found on the Office of the University Registrar’s website.

Helping Your Student Cope with Stress

The end of the semester and final exams can be very stressful for students, and it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Encourage your student to care of themselves while finishing the semester strong.

  • Remind your student to practice basic self-care by getting eight hours of sleep each night, eating three meals a day, and taking breaks when needed. Health Promotion and Wellness offers tips and programs to students for maintaining healthy living.
  • Physical activity can also help relieve stress. Campus Recreation offers a variety of classes and programs. Additional information and hours can be found on the Campus Recreation website.
  • Students can find a number of mental health resources to assist with emotional well-being, including support services and clinical services at Redbird Well.
  • Health Promotion and Wellness and Milner Library encourages students to take a work or study break and get Pawsitively Stress Free on December 11 and 12. Students can pet certified therapy dogs and enjoy other stress-relieving activities on the Third Floor of Milner Library from 1 to 3 p.m.


Commencement ceremonies for December graduates will be held on Saturday, December 16 at CEFCU Arena: Home of the Redbirds.

  • 9 a.m. — College of Arts and Sciences, College of Education, Mennonite College of Nursing, Interdisciplinary Studies, and University Studies
  • 1 p.m. — College of Applied Science and Technology, College of Business, and Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts

Fall 2023 Grades

Final grades will be available at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, December 20, under the academics tab on

Residence Hall Closing Preparations For Winter Break

All residence halls, except Manchester/Hewett Halls, Fell/School Street Apartments, and Cardinal Court, will close for winter break on Saturday, December 16, at 2 p.m. Students may leave their personal belongings in the rooms; however, they must take whatever they need for the entire break, as no student will be allowed back into the halls for any reason during break periods.

Any student switching rooms or not returning to their room for the spring semester is expected to move out completely. Residence halls will reopen on Friday, January 12, at 8 a.m.

Students are expected to do the following to prepare their room when leaving for break:

  • Close and lock room windows.
  • Open draperies or shades and ensure there is a clear path between the door and window.
  • Dispose of all perishable food in their refrigerator (if applicable), and any empty bottles or cans.
  • Move personal belongings on the floor to the bed or desk. This will prevent items from being damaged in the event there are any leaks or plumbing problems over break. The University assumes no responsibility for personal property. 
  • Take out all trash.
  • Unplug electrical appliances, clean and dry refrigerators, and clean up any water left behind from that process. Computers should be unplugged in case of power surges. Take any temperature-controlled medicines home.
  • Set room temperature to 65 degrees and set blowers on low. 
  • Turn off all lights.
  • Lock room door.
  • Move furniture and belongings eight inches away from the wall on all sides to allow space for pest control spraying.

Students will be notified of these procedures in their closing meetings with the resident assistant or community assistant. They should follow their specific closing checklist form posted in the halls and online. Please review other important hall closing information on the University Housing website.

Off-Campus Winter Break Safety Tips

Off-campus student housing can be the target of burglaries during winter break. Students are encouraged to follow these safety tips to avoid loss or damage of property when they are away from their residence.

  • Lock all doors and windows before leaving.
  • Encourage your student not to pack their car the night before they leave.
  • Keep valuables like computers, electronic devices, or jewelry out of plain view.
  • When leaving for extended breaks, students should take all valuable items with them.
  • Keep a master list and/or photos of larger, valuable items, including the make, model, and serial numbers.
  • Unplug the television, computer, toaster oven, and other appliances to protect them from power surges.
  • For those living in a house off campus, students can request that the Normal Police Department stop by and check on their residence by calling their non-emergency number at (309) 888-5030.

Visit the Off-Campus Services website for additional information.

Reggie’s Holiday Pick

Reggie’s Holiday Pick this year is all about being stylish and warm with Illinois State and Reggie-themed trouser socks, sherpa socks, and Reggie slippers. Purchase for yourself or as a gift for your favorite Redbirds. Each item comes with a minimum donation amount, ensuring your contribution makes a meaningful impact. The best part is that when you order Reggie’s Holiday Pick, you choose your preferred college or unit on campus to support. A philanthropic gift of $20 (trouser socks), $30 (sherpa socks), or $40 (Reggie slippers) will give you the warm fuzzies, knowing you’ve invested in the lives of current and future Redbirds across campus. A portion of your gift is tax-deductible.

Be sure to order your footwear before December 10 to guarantee delivery by December 24. Act fast! Supplies are limited, and Reggie is confident his picks will sell out quickly!

Winter Break University Closure

University offices will close on Thursday, December 21, at 4:30 p.m. and reopen on Tuesday, January 2 at 8 a.m. Classes begin on Tuesday, January 16, 2024. Additional key dates can be found on the Illinois State University Academic Calendar.


Parent and Family Services at Illinois State University

Dean of Students Office

387 Student Services Building

Campus Box 3090

Normal, IL 61790-3090

(309) 438-2008